there goes my money...fly fly fly...jadi stray bullets main paintball last weekend.
owh yeah,i paid a lot of money for bloody lips,bruised arm and an aching bodeyh!
opppss..not forgetting lots and lots and lots of FUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!
crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy fun!
and let me tell you,i have never been this scared my whole life!i think i set my mind to "thisislikevietnamwarwherethebulletscanactuallykillyou" thinking.see,i read/see too much war-ish things,thanks to me being very interested in History.gaaaaaaahhh!
i didn't finish all the games pasal....
well,mainly pasal all my bullets are gone.like POOf gone!hahaha.coz i thought i was in left4dead where bullets are like unlimited,so me being all rambo-ish mode finished all my bullets in one go!suka i.then,sudah abis bullets baru tah terpikir mahal kan membali lagi.hehehehehehe.
and it hurts kana tembak atu,and scared the shit out of me thinking i would die any minute,so I GAVE UP!
i admit that paintball is not my thing.inda ku mao lagi!not that im saying i didn't enjoy myself at all,MAHN,i had a TOTALLY AWESOME time.weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
nothing exciting this week i guess,or maybe desiree's visiting this weekend,and i hope SO she can come!if not,then the only interesting thing for me this weekend is bali HAYAM.hehehehe.i miss my kari ayam and my bbq hayam.yum yum!
talking bout food,i am soooooooo inda sabar to get my hands on excapade's sushi when i get home!thanks to wany glasgow's status saya craving much much sushi right now,and the nearest sushi i can get is from tesco!tapiii kaaaaaaaaaannnnn inda nyaman baaahhh!!!!so where is this yo-sushi place anyway?!!i ahve to HAVE it!*whatthebuck*HAHAHAHAHA.too much youtube.
ooooooooooowwwhhh!!which reminds me i need to post something importanto!bye!
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