Wednesday, December 24, 2008

it's christmas eve...and in a few hours we will be going to london...
can't wait to see their christmas deco!!!!!!which i always look forward to...
and not to mention...


soooo...before i go....


omg...din realise this would be my last post for 2008...*sob sob*
aannnnddd...i haven't got any new year resolutions yet...
all i'm asking for is me to be happy all year around..and hope nothing THAT bad happens....

i'm going back to perth on the 2nd of not miss me that much owhkay...coz i'll try to remmber to think of all of you....heeeeeeee....

badminton yoooo

Tuesday, December 23, 2008








what a way to start a day...and to start the "fun" eyhh...

Saturday, December 20, 2008


it scares me to makes me feel nauseous inside...i could feel the food welling up my oesophagus....uurrggghhh!!! no more!!! no more!!
i guess that differentiates me and them....maybe sooo...
i am not taught the traditional stuff,i guess it makes me feel a bit self-centred.
they are even talking about plans...i DON'T HAVE PLANS!!!!!
i don't even wanna think of the plans...i wanna stay like this forever....a kid..some childish,thank youh very much!
maybe the future scares me...being all grownup scares me...
i guess that makes me feel the one out....
my head is spinning..their words keep on playing on repeat in my mind..i don't really mind....but it makes me want to roll my eyes...i don't want to...but that is the way i am...i am afraid of saying my opinions out loud...makes me the one in the dark...and before i am LEFT in the dark,i will go to the dark on my own...i'll lead my way....
cause i know the way like the back of my hands....
i have always felt like the weird one..owh no...never their fault...i just feel that way sometimes..and i had someone who have understands me...but he is not here anymore...he is not there,eventhough he promised to be there....
he has his own problems.....
i don't even remember how he went out of my life...sooo he just dropped by to say hi....
oowwhhh goes on....
and i have...


Friday, December 19, 2008


pics ku vaining...
antah napa ku post...but hell,this is my blog,i can do whatfuckingever i want and u can't say anything about it....ryt???RYT!!!



Thursday, December 18, 2008



'Aayunni Zawanah Yusuf......

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in.
You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising.
You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care.

You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way.
And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life.
You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are incredibly wise and perceptive. You have a lot of life experience.
You are a natural peacemaker, and you are especially good at helping others get along.
But keeping the peace in your own life is not easy. You see things very differently, and it's hard to get you to budge.

You are very charming... dangerously so. You have the potential to break a lot of hearts.*HAHAHA*
You know how what you want, how to get it, and that you will get it.
You have the power to rule the world. Let's hope you're a benevolent dictator!

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.
Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.
Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.
You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.
You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.

You are loving, compassionate, and ruled by your feelings.
You are able to be a foundation for other people... but you still know how to have fun.
Sometimes your emotions weigh you down, but you generally feel free from them.


hols hols hols hols.....

pictures taken during lepak2 di McDonald's and pizza hut....and and some from us shopping around..WINDOW shopping ahh...hehehehe

Monday, December 15, 2008

lack of sleep

gila eyyhh..atu jua inda cukup tidor for nearly a week...and i slept at 8 this morning...the whole night bejaga...hang hang ma wanie,nins,ali and zai...
it was EFFINGLY FUNN!!!!!
and coz of that i only had hmmmmm less than 3 hours of sleep...kemarin nya jua sama kes...less than 3 hours...
i am forcing myself to sleep here,but then,here i am blogging my way away,far far far away from sleep....
yesterday we watched BLAIR WITCH PROJECT one and two...
the first was,it was great and scary...kambang bulu...reminds me of solo night all over again...imagine watching it before going to temburong..mmg gerenti inda tenteram hidup ku d camp atu...hahaha..

currently addicted to listening to evanescence,and old mariah carey songs....

omg...seriouslyy i need to sleep...
i AM tired..jalan lage tadi ke McD and asda,after going to city centre...gila eyhhh...i mean i am hyper,but no sane person could be this hyper wahh..
*meaning i am not sane...abis lah aku..*


Saturday, December 13, 2008


what is actually happening to me????
now it's 7 something on a WEEKEND!!!and and and i'm here wide awake!!!
not only it's the is the start of school hols...and and i could sleep all week long if i wanted to...and i DO want to,but i just CANT!!!!!!
feeling cranky....

nooo...i change my mind...i am feeling SOOOO happy!!!!!








tagged by venney,sayang kuh yang ku cintai d history class...hehehe

1.Each blogger must post this rules.
2.Each blogger must being with ten facts about them.
3.Other blogger who are also tagged must also state the rules and ten facts about themselves.
4.You must choose ten people to give this award to and list their names at the end.
5.It is essential that tag is left at their tag boards,letting them know about the award they've received.


1. I love hot tea on cold nights
2. I like cooking dinner for everyone
3. I am learning to play the guitar and sing...
4. the only sport i like here is badminton coz it's indoors and it gets cold outside..
5. I love buying pajamas and bras
6. I have atendency to buy cute stuff..even when i dont need them
7. I love hot showers...
8. I am a versatile music listener...depends on the mood...
9. I have 4 hp ryt now..and two are just sitting on my table...
10. I miss him already tho it's only been a few hours...


6.cuzzy liyana

One: How has this past week goin for you? -time flew fast..since the whole week in scone airport...and soldering IS SO MY THING...
Two: Who was the last person to text you? - meerul
Three: Last person of the opposite sex to give you a hug? - iya lah...
Four: Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? - maybe...but can i know what those reasons are???
Five: First person under ' J' on your cell phone? - nada....i mean rah ku nada lahh...
Six: Do you hate that person?- since there's no one...inda lah tu jawapannya...
Seven: Any fun plans for today? - nope..none at all...FIRST DAY OF HOLS..and i have nothing to do...hmmmm!!
Eight: Is the last person you held hands with attractive? - WEEEELLLLLLL~~..for me he is...ahakzz..
Nine: Do you get bored of your girlfriend/boyfriend easily? - inda...
Ten: How many and what kind of animals are in your house? - NONE...and dats wat's makes it so sad...
Eleven: Are you disappointed right now? - nooo..y shud i be???
Twelve: When was the last time something bothered you?- everyday..let me tell u dat...
Thirteen: What's the most interesting thing that happened to you today?- went WINDOW shopping..and i bought 2 things interesting is dat???c ayu bali cikit saja???hahaha
Fourteen: Have you ever broken someone's heart?- i think i did....
Fifteen: Would you ever date a friend's ex?- am i not supposed to date them???
Sixteen: If your best friend liked your ex, what would you do?- what else shud i do???biar kan laahh...u do ur thing gurl...
Seventeen: Are you the type that would rather stay at other peoples houses or have them at yours?- mana sajaa...saya chill...haha
Eighteen: Have you ever hooked up with one of your ex's best friends?- i dun think soooo...
Nineteen: Do tattoos and piercings excite you?- piercings-yes...tatoos,def not!!needles...urrgghhh...
Twenty: If someone hits you, what would you do?- biar kan kale...paloi apa...every actions,there's an equal and opposite reaction...ryyyttt~~
Twenty-one: Have you ever kissed someone and never saw them again? -never done that before..i think..sabar...i dun think sooo..haha
Twenty-two: Do you know anyone whose name starts with a Z?- ZAAAIII!!!my bestest housemate....
Twenty-three: If your ex came up to you and apologized for somthing they did wrong, what would you say? - "hye"..(?)
Twenty-four: When was your last encounter with the police?- antaaahh...tidak ku ingat....
Twenty-five: Do you still talk to your ex's?- of corz i there any reason not to???*majal questions nya anie...urgh..*
Twenty-six: Who would you like to be friends with again?- ..........
Twenty-seven: Do you ever dance even if there's no music playing?- dont you???
Twenty-eight: When people talk crap about you what do they say?- come i have to care????
Twenty-nine: What can always put you in a good mood?- music...and SHOPPING!!!!
Thirty: Have you kissed in the rain?- inda...
Thirty-one: Is there anyone that you care more about than yourself?- a lot to mention...
Thirty-two: What do you miss about your past?- everyone in it....huwaaa!!i miss being a child if i do act like one,kana ucap...nyeehh...
Thirty-three: Is there something you wish you could tell someone but you cant?- not that i could thing of anything ryt now...gila eyh questions nya nie...could you get any MORE boring?????
Thirty-four: Are there any previous relationships you wish could have lasted longer?- past dah tu darls...i have the present to concentrate on...
Thirty-five: Did your last kiss mean anything?- doesnt every single kiss mean something???if not,y do u want to kiss that person???paloi kale....

soree for being soo bitching for the last few questions..coz i think the questions are getting too boring and too repetitive...and macam brabislyy moody coz im so jobless...


i feel like i am wasting precious time here!!!
i wish i have more cash..then MAYBE i would not waste these precious time....huh!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008


couldn't sleep again....
now it's 4 in the morning...well,after saying that,it reminds me of gwen's song,4 in the morning...hahaha..
watching some video clips....balik2..on repeat...
now watching grey's anatomy...and let me tell is not a good thing,really not good to watch grey's early in the does not make u go to sleep at all....
makin bangun ada laahh....and and and trying to stop myself from crying..pasal epi anie sadih to the max!!!i blame c azrina..pasal she was the one who told me to watch..hahahaha....
MCSTEAMY is sooo HAWT!!!!!*drools drools*
baaahh..i go go back to watch watch cerita owhkaayy...

la'er peeps...


Missing Treasure

The missing treasure of this sinking vessel
On the seafloor, where it would nestle
Against the base for years it'd lay
Patiently waiting for that special day
When I would come to claim my prize
Hoping the chest to my surprise
Would hold the heart that I've been missing
The talks, the laughs, the hugs, the kissing
That day has come and now I'll find
What lies ahead, no longer behind
I've searched through darkness, to the deepest sea
And found that chest staring back at me
What lies inside, I do not know
Unlock the latch and open slow
I peek within, with nerves I'm shaking
The prize inside could stop the aching
Cause within the chest that I've searched for
I found the heart and even more
The talks, the laughs, they all were there
The hugs, the kisses, for me to share
The most beautiful treasure I've finally seized
Did not imagine I could be so pleased
I searched so long through the deep sea blue
I love you baby, my prize is you

- Jordan Schnarr -

found this poem online...
well,that was what i was doing when i couldn't sleep last night...
i made a few poems myself,but they're not for show...not my best also....HEL-LO it was 5 in the morning people,how could i even think straight...hehehehe...

isn't this poem beautiful?????i wish i could write as good..
why do i have to be emotionally "unstable" to write my best...when im angry,or too sad.....
owwwhhh..the best place that i could find words,is when im having my shower...weird eyh....then when i sit down and WANT to write,i forgot all the words i had in my head...paloi apa.....

bah...c ya later.....

Thursday, December 11, 2008

y not???

2 minutes to 5am..and my eyes are still wide open...
i feel waaaayy,if i lay my head on the pillow,my body resists the thought of it going to sleep....i turn here and there....lying on my back,front,sides...
i even counted sheeps!!!!!!
i even tried imagining dave teaching in front of me...and yet,that didn't work...and you all know how boring he can get,and how he could make ANYONE as hyper to fall asleep.

soooo..i abandoned the thought of sleeping....
went to the kitchen to make me a cup of hot tea.....
deciding what the hell am i supposed to do til its "soldering" time....

Wednesday, December 10, 2008



can't wait.......seriouslyy...tho nothing much is planned for this nearly 4 weeks holiday.....i still can't wait for the late nights and oversleeping...hehehehe...
and not to mention london and boxing day!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

new layout...

lawa new layout kuh???
if you have no praises please restrain urself from saying anything please...hahaha..

i just realise i like the background to be plain,white lah catu...looks clean and for me it is waaayy easier for people to read....
and and and and d font is bigger..i just noticed it's hard for me to even read my own blog...hahahaha...

4 days to holiday....
can't wait..

i hope tomorrow us being in scone hanger would make the time that it would be a snap when friday afternoon comes....

i have this thing that i want to tell the world about...
tapi aku inda mao....takot seriouslyy...

i slowed dance tadi..after dinner...but it may have been nothing to know,just for fun,for you...but i consider it to be the first time menari slow2 sama iya....HAHAHHA!!!!i miss dancing really....

Monday, December 8, 2008


i have nothing to say for these past few days...sooo just enjoy me tagging..hehe

My Top 5 Most Favorite Foods;

~my two fave cooks...mummy kuh and nenek kuching's

~sushi anyone????

~kolo mee

~kebab...heheh..d only food we could actually look foRward to in perth...haayy...

~kueh teow goreng...

10 Things I Love Doing;

* main board games..hahah..i sound like an old person..
* loads more shopping...
* meliat buku argos sama c zai...haha..what a "glamorous" life we have...
* gossiping sama drg zai wanie and nins during lunch....
* singing when anyone plays the guitar...
* MOVIES...and watching futurama sama iya...
* skyping sama azrina and afi...
* just lazying around all weekend and talk and laugh and sleep..
* andlast but not least...SHOPPING!!!

Things I Love Doing When I’m EMO;

* i duuuhh..isn't it obvious???
* listen to even more emo-ish songs...sad~
* bring others to be emo also....hahaha....
* heart to heart talks...
* sing...sing to myself to sleep...NOT!!!

5 Things I Love Doing When I’m Happy;

* jump up and down like a little 5 year old...
* laugh my head off..
* i go hyper and crazee and people will ask,"knapa ya?"..hahaha
* bring others to be happy too...
* enjoy the moment...coz havent been THAT happy for months...

5 Things I Wish To Happen;

* just be happy...and just appreciate things around me eventho it has been hard..
* visit the world war sites....WOHOO...
* shop til i drop evry month~
* i seriouslyy want a pet...a cat???a hamster???PUHLEEAASSEE!!!
* find true love...esehmen ramlee~~sampai seru kale c ayu anie sudah...owh no wonder..ive been woken up early...mana inda i talk rubbish~

My Top 5 Most Addicted songs;

* guns and roses = dont cry
* ST12 = puspa
* metallica = nothing else matters
* kate voegele = no good
* the beatles

i tag......i tag.....all the people in my list...WAHAHAHA!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

anie turn c wanie lage tag aku ahh...kambang~~banci ku question no.4 kamu anie..hahaha...

1. What’s the relationship of you and her/him?
one of my besties d perth jua nie....errrmmmm...gonna work sama ko jua kale ah wanie for TEN gawd...hahaha...B2 lage nie..abis lah~~

2. Your 5 impressions towards her/him? first pendiam,then rupanya gila jua,girlish,shopaholic,pemalu rah c leeds nya...hahaha..and and and ganas a way~

3. The most memorable things she/he have said to you.
anie gigran nya tumbang terabang or pokok terabang...sal iya kambang ambil word terabang kuu...hahahaha....
nada deehh...she's also always there for me with words that means a lot walaupun make me more sadar..hahaha

4. The most memorable things she/he had done for you.
menampar aku when i need it the most...hahahahaha....tamparan hebat kale aahhh....

5. If she/he becomes your lover, you will:
love her to the max...inda ja wanie...abis lah ko...hahahahahah....

6. If she/he becomes your enemy, you will:
love her even more...apa deh...hahaha...i hope not...wouldnt even dream of it...

7. If she/he becomes your love, she/he has to improve on:
since iya kuat merajok pasal bf nya...sooo..kurang2 tah merajok atu..nada ku kan mujuk!!!!

8. If she/he becomes your enemy, the reason is:
mencuri burger ku time lunch..haha...p since ya selalu minta and ukan mencuri sooo...aku masehlage kawannya...

9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is:
buat ya marah...hahaha..and and and buat perkara yang membuat ya menampar aku...hahaha....
butttttt~~jgn sha keluar word "BAIE!" nya tu lah./..atu abis laahh~~

10. The overall impression of him/her is:
PANAT!!!!jgn kamu liat ya cam catu2 saja..eksen nya tuuu...iya anie bah...hmmmm!!!

11. How do you think the people around you feel about you?
malas kan jawab..lyat sha pat zai punya tagged ahh...

12. The characteristic that you think you have, is?
look down...

13. On the contrary, the characteristic you hate about yourself is?
look i talk a lot...and i laugh a lot..and i cry too much...hahahaa

14. The most ideal person that you want to be is?
ME~of course...

15. For the people who care about you and like you, say something about them:
thank youh!!!i labs youh tooh!!

16. 10 people you tag:
1) kidah
2) celest
3) netty
4) venney
5) cuzzy yana
6) zai
7) wanie
8) meerul
9) yonne
10) azrina

17.Who is No. 2 having a relationship with?
- antah..i guess she is still available...if anyone's inetrested,gto sha aku...she is too cute...hahaha

18. No. 3 a male or female?
- female

19. If No. 7 and No. 10 were together, would it be a good thing?
- HAHAHAHA...OMG!!!atu nyaman ketawa ku..c azrina ma c wanie...hmmmm..hahah...

20. How about No.5 and No. 8?
- HMMMMM...meerul and cousin ku..sure why not..haha..he is a guy..she is a girl...nothing wrong with that..haha

21. What is No. 1 studying about?
- she did take humanity punya subs in form6....wait,if i can still remember,u took geo,socio and maths...hahaha

22. Is No. 4 single?
- is she single???mana saya tahu...hahaha...maybe she is...

23. Say something about No. 6?
- owwhh..hmmmm...i did talk a lot about her d atas..soooo...pandai kamu lah ahh...she is the "man"...d "bomb"...hahahahah


i was tagged by two people..soooo...i ahve to do two tah tu kan???haha..since aku rajin...soo..y not eyh~~
anie zai punya....

1. What’s the relationship of you and her/him?
- zai's my housemate~~my best fren d perth anie...sayang ku jua sekong anie..and and and my co-worker nie krg..sama B2 kan zai~~heheheh

2. Your 5 impressions towards her/him?
- girlish,bitchy in a good way,crazeeee when she wants to be,shopaholic,caring...haha..

3. The most memorable things she/he have said to you.
- since she is always there for me when i need her to be,she has said a lot of things that i cherish....but i may not have specific memorable words cz there's a lot,but i salute the way she has moved on and and and me"lak bu"hahaha

4. The most memorable things she/he had done for you.
- flirting...hahaha..eyh salah...hahahaha....whenever i need a shoulder to cry on she is there...except that oone time when ya video call..hahahaa....

5. If she/he becomes your lover, you will:
- Y NoT EYHHHH~~hahahah....if she were to be a guy,she would be sweet,and if i were a guy i would totally want her....hehehehehe..inda jaa~~

6. If she/he becomes your enemy, you will:
- wouldnt dream of her being my enemy...inda mao..and i hope never will...

7. If she/he becomes your love, she/he has to improve on:
- nothing....hahaha....antah ahh...mana saya tahu....coz i remember sekali tu we decided to be lesbos...hahah...kenapa naahh~ada lah tuuu..hehehe

- 8. If she/he becomes your enemy, the reason is:
- surely not over a guy i can bet you that..inda jaaa...maybe pasal heels or clothes...apa deh...hahaha

9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is:
- eyyhh..apa kan soalan2 nya anie..bagi geram hati...huh....

10. The overall impression of him/her is:
- the perfect housemate and i would never have asked for a better person to spend 2 years here in perth...hahaa

- 11. How do you think the people around you feel about you?
- antah..lovable kale...mana saya tahu...hahaha....loud i guess...hahah

12. The characteristic that you think you have, is?
- childish,manja yooo,a heavy shopper,fun to be around*atu ya inda cukup perasan*,a total flirt...antah ah..just fill in the blanks...hahaha...

13. On the contrary, the characteristic you hate about yourself is?
- childish,an uncontrollable flirt,when my malas-ness comes to "haunt" me..haha

14. The most ideal person that you want to be is?
- ME..haha..who can ask for more..hahahahahaha

15. For the people who care about you and like you, say something about them:
- i appreciate that..and knowing that i am loved and cared means loads to me...heeee...hope you wil still care and love me for a long time..haha

16. 10 people you tag:
1) kidah
2) celest
3) netty
4) venney
5) cuzzy yana
6) zai
7) wanie
8) meerul
9) yonne
10) azrina

17.Who is No. 2 having a relationship with?
- antah..i guess she is still available...if anyone's inetrested,gto sha aku...she is too cute...hahaha

18. No. 3 a male or female?
- female

19. If No. 7 and No. 10 were together, would it be a good thing?
- HAHAHAHA...OMG!!!atu nyaman ketawa ku..c azrina ma c wanie...hmmmm..hahah...

20. How about No.5 and No. 8?
- HMMMMM...meerul and cousin ku..sure why not..haha..he is a guy..she is a girl...nothing wrong with that..haha

21. What is No. 1 studying about?
- she did take humanity punya subs in form6....wait,if i can still remember,u took geo,socio and maths...hahaha

22. Is No. 4 single?
- is she single???mana saya tahu...hahaha...maybe she is...

23. Say something about No. 6?
- owwhh..hmmmm...i did talk a lot about her d atas..soooo...pandai kamu lah ahh...she is the "man"...d "bomb"...hahahahah