Thursday, July 24, 2008

thanks much!!

to my beloved girlfrens d brunei...
thanks for the call this morning...i really appreciate rindu ku kan dgr suara kamu...
eventhough sebakul kamu gave me voicemails...but aku sudah save each one...hahaha..
burit ku inda itam ah...putih sudah...sal nada byk sun d cnie..hahahahaha....
susu ku makin basar pulang...inda kamu jealous????nyahahaha....

burit c azrina maseh itam,dpt tahu from her voice...hahaha...paloi kale ayu ahh....
baik tah ko ke cnie zri,putih jua burit mu...hahahaha.....
oowwhhh...hp shapa kamu pakai????c kiden????wooweeee...

len kale ngan kol aku time aku maseh tidur ahh...hahahaha...nada bah....
cam cam cam awal tadi ah kamu kol...aku bangun aher kale starts at 9 kale aahhh...hahaha...inda kamu jealous tu nah???
kamu kul 7 labih ahhh....aku maseh g tidur tu kul 7 ahhh...hahahahaha...

gawd..len kale lau kan tepun aku tu lama2 ckit bah...inda puas ku tadi...and inda g sampat kan nangez tuuu.....hahahahaha.....

pasal c botak lage kamu sabut...tao dah ku miss his sexy lips and butt....hahaha..OPPZZZZ.....

owwhh foookkk.....napa tia facebbok ku tstuck???huh!!!!!

neeway...labs u all much!!!
makan kan satay for me byk2 ahh....enjoy urselves without me...dun miss me too much coz i'll miss u all even more!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008


pictures taken from scone....what a week....

ooowwwhhh...i love this cam cam taken from d studio thingie2...
dats coz we have an excellent photographer kale ahh...c khalid bah....
d hanger...full of private planes and stuff...aku suka~~

brabis tah kamu liat pic ku ah gurls...aku tao kamu rindu aku...waseh~~

my maths teacher....and i hope our physics teacher jua...he is soooo funny....hahaha...especially when he imitates c mr.bean....ngam puteh nya anie...
reminds me of mr.gavaghan....hahahaha....

tadi pun aku panggil our phy teacher for today,"sir",kale kana cakap,he has not been knighted by the queen...which sooooo reminds me of mr.gavaghan...hahahaha....
biasa sudah baaahhhh...
i miss gp...waseh~...eksen bahhh....


im back...just got out of the exam room...
hahahaha....bleh pass i hope...atu confident...owh well....
nothing much.....last week ke hanger sha kaja nya....which was fun really,especially during lunch and break..mcm picninc bah..sitting on the grass and limpang2 d sana....i love the weather...and i cant believe i am gonna say this,i LOVE THE SUN!!hahaha...lau d brunei bah,kan picnic under the sun...tunggu tah until forever... email from daddy...he sent pics of the new car...aooo...when im not in brunei bru tah kan bali keta baru...HUH!!!
but i dun like the plate license or watever u call it...coz nada family no., no plang,my grandparents punya....
i miss home....
i miss my mummy and daddy...
i miss aina and audi...
i miss my girls...
i miss my cats.....
antah eyhhh....

owh shar and alvin...aku kai ur gudluck charm for my exam...lau aku dpt 100% it's coz of the rantai tu ahh....hehehehehe....

krg lunch g ku sambung kan post pics....

aku mao makan SATAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hungry eyyhhhh.......

*updated* all yang aku msg....yang inda sampai...aku msg balik lage tu ahh....cian aku nunggu reply kamu....
to chriz...aku msg ko jua sudah...inda ku lupa kamu kale ahh.....
every week ku msg kamu...mcm paloi ku nunggu eyyhh..sasak....
errmm...lau kamu na mao reply mahal...rah hp brunei ku...i told c shar sudah....P NAPA NADA BERITA PUN!!!!!!!huhuhuhuhuhuhuu....
sadih sadih.....

Saturday, July 12, 2008


today....saturday...just like any other plain saturday....

tadi......bangun aher....bangun pun coz parut sudah lapar.....kalau tidak lapar,tidak saya bangun tuuuu...hahahah...*practicing my malay lage*

time eating cereal dpan window of my house,coz my house alum ada tv and wireless and stuff,jadi liat kluar window,mcm2 behaviour yang d liat.....

and den.....c wanie suddenly teriak cam really excited...aku terkajot like hell...but i was looking at the direction she was pointing at,and den aku pun jadi excited like kame dua melompat cnie sana!!!
we saw HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!
dat soooooooooooo made my day....
aku trus excited kan jalan2 city centre......

and deeeeennn....kame jalan2 city centre...
ayu eksen limiting budget,atu jua smua kan d bali....
errrmmmm...bought jeans,hoodie and baju....gila lah baju nya lawa!!!!!!!hahahha....
like if i had d money...i would have shop till i literally drop DEAD!!!

aku mao ke dundee or glasgow...which ever,i dun mind......

and next week monday,kame ke scone...
naik bus yooowww.....which is weird for me....coz bru jua sekale ku kai bus d perth nie deh.....bus to school too!!!!

oppzzz...gtg...kan dgni c sur k asda...
liat baju tido ku eyyhh..hahahaha...


Friday, July 11, 2008

5th day of school.....

can't believe it's d 5th day of school..huh!!esok cuti yay me!!!

soree for the late updates or no updates at all...been busy...and nada lage wireless kale ahh d rumah baru ah.....*bo-renk*
school's been fun for now....and i like my teacher/lecturer very much,wpun kana buli sha oleh nya every single day.....
i like maths!!!*first time*
i mean i like this kinda maths...sal it is like daym easy...for now that is...

OMG!!i am sitting in front of the cute malaysian guy...
*im in love*....hehehehehehehe...
aku tanya ya soalan buduh tadi....hahaha...pasal bus...

OMG!!!he is talking to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*giggle giggle*...lame ayu!!!!!!!!

owhkay....enuff about him...

concentrate on krg....haha...
SLUMBER PARTY!!!!i like~~
us girls are gonna have a girlie girl bonding i think...
which makes me excited like hell!!!gossip-ing all night long i hope...


to azrina: i just read ur letter...soree lambat....but i read ur card first masa d plane...hehehe...
and aku nangez...hahaha...inda ko terharu zri?????
missing u very much!!!!!aku kangen sama kamu...*ewwww...jiwang ayu~*
but i appreciate all d things u said to me!!!!wpun time d airport kita na sampat nangez bersama....but aku sudah nangez kemarin...cukup tah...ahhaha...
i was waiting for us to nangez d airport,anie inda plang ketawa like crazee ada plang...coz i dnoe y aku happy time atu...not that aku happy leaving brunei...just that i am happy that u all were there...and i felt the LOVE people!!!hehehe...
ada ko trima msg ku????just in case nada...krg ko ckp aku nada msg kau...and pass the message to yonne jua kay...hehe...for kamu2 yg ku sygi tu kale ahh....
labs u babi tua ku!!!

to yonne: read ur letter for the thousandth time jua....missing u like hell jua!!!i miss your keta mafia darllssss.......
ada org minat ko d cnie...hehehehe....
oowwhh...hug everyone for me owhkay...if u see drg c chriz and celez,imagine sha aku ada d sana owhkay....makan2 and babi-ing with kamu smua....
kirim salam c jamal jua for me...hehehehe.....
thank you also for coming jumpa aku for d last time,wpun ko tipu rah aku darls ko na dtg..but aku dpt feel ur presence wah....yatah i knew that u were coming...hahahaha...inda ko dpt tipu aku tu darls...
soree for not msg-ing or contact-ing...i will try my best...nada ku lupa kamu tu...syg2 ku kale ah kamu tuuuuuu.......
and i love ur presents.....tapi aku na mao pakai coz sayang kale ahhh~~...2 tahun tuuuuu!!!!!hahahaha......
labs u lots!!!!lots and lots!!!
ur the best best fren that i'll ever have...thank you for everything....ALLAH!!cam kan matie bunyi ku...hehehe...
aku sadih bah now...kinda feeling lonely......

and to sharon and alvin and kidah and everyone!!!
missing kamu too....
i miss everything about all of us!!!
can't believe i can miss anything this much...but i do....and it is lonely here....wpun ramai2 jua lah org2 brunei....but u get wat i mean...

will post more pics later2...
rah library nie...hehehehehe.....

Monday, July 7, 2008

zai zai...

c zai be-lawa ahhh....suruh singgah d SANA taid,inda ya mao...ekseeeeeeeennn~~

mao dia posing eyyhhh...hehehe...
to that certain person,liat lah betapa lawa nya c zai....HEHEHEHEHEHEHHEEHHEHEHE!!!

and anie,a totally different story...
got back from asda,and d two guys,c bos and meerul suddenly took our grocery bags and angkat d bags for us...aku ma c zai very much bangang...hahahaha...
APA MIMPI KAMU DUA DEEEHHH????ada nie d mao nya krg...haha

Sunday, July 6, 2008

off to glasgow.....

bru arrive glasgow....wat i did???kluar kan camera,and took lots and lots of random and candid pics...i am officially a candid photogrpaher...

my no.tuuhhhhh~~..hahaha...21~~

kan masok ke kadai makan atu...sik kamek taok apa nama tempat yaaa....

atu kacau daun namanya HAM.....

concentrate org meng-order makanan....

c ham ceta..c bos na layan..wahahaaaa....

atu baru yaaaaaaaaaaaa.....

makan..makan..lama dah na makan nyaman baaaahhh....


Saturday, July 5, 2008

at the park....

tadi d guys men bulaaa....kame men gambar kalee....hahaha....
syiok tadi at the park....