it's my 400th post already~
and i feel like not wasting this post coz i have no idea that i have posted hundreds sudah.
that was what we did when we were waiting for sungkai when we went for our shopping in dundee.
had to waste 2 hours doing nothing but we had our laughs.
like we ever run short of laughter,no wonder aku suka sama dorang anie.hahaha.
huh.less than a week of puasa and i can't believe aku tahan i find it really good prevents me from eating cereal so much.haha.
and raya aku inda mao masak traditional malay food since this is the last raya me being in the UK so i want something foreign and soemthing different like brownies and muffins instead of kueh raya.won't that be fun??????which totally brings my baking mood back on track!though i think i have lost my baking touch if there is even one~
now i am addicted to pancakes.nyaaamaaaaaan toasted pancakes sama susu manis.
*opppsss there i go again wasting away a good post talking about food food food*
anyhooooooo..been in the college past few days,and it is packed with people!macam during lunch terpaksa barabut sama orang just to get a seat to study!jgntah belajar kamu eh,makan bah makan!kalau inda puasa bah inda ku di library belajar.GAHAHAHAAHHAHA!
u know,i actually felt sleepy just typing the word belajar.hahaha.pasal malam2 i have not even looked at my notes pasal evertime kan angkat burit kan ambil notes i fall a banar!**apakan
wohoo bos is in UK and aku mao aga iya!!pasal aku mao liat liverpool main jua and he said he is near liverpool so aku mao liat liverpool sambil aga c bos.hehehe.
and to YOU!!you annoy me tahap entah apa and i feel like kicking your big ugly butt everytime i see your even uglier face!hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaha.
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