that is how much boxes of cereals we have in our cupboard.
we have cereal for breakfast,lunch and dinner. well not in order,atu pacah tu lau everyday makan atu for breakfast and lunch and dinner.
but that is how much we love eating breakfast for lunch and dinner. *majal*
NYAMAN KALI right now,i just ate the honey hoops ones and i want more and it is 6.52 at night sudah.
i wonder if eating too much cereal is bad for you..i really do wonder.
and i am hungry all the time,macam i have a body of a growing teenage boy!
i dunnot wanna grow a lot fatter,thank you very much!!
or mayybeee eating cereal is actually really good for you since it says on the box all the good things about them. maybe just maybeee
have to find brapa calories it has in each bowl. nyahahaha. yes,i am calory counting,though it only makes me guilty for 5 seconds,then,i continue eating..gagagagaga..banci kuuu...
bah eyh..
toodles my noodles
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