had a fondue/chocolate fountain parrty on friday night...ada c wanie and c nins and c azam lagi tuuuu~~hahahah......
it was way fun...macam chocolate for dinner siapa jua inda happy kaaann~~hehehe...
and ada strawbeeries,whic are my fave and a whole supply of banana!!hahahaha...im serious,atu byk,and ada maseh alum abis..hahaha...
d choc fountain is now lying on the kitchen table,KARAS berabis,and still maseh ada mengorek..HAHAHA...and one of them is me...but i think yang mostly mengorek atu is me lah ahh..HAHAAH...nyaman brabisllyy brabis!!!come on it's CHOCOLATE,bila jua inda nyaman kaaaann..hahaha..
enough with the nyaman-ness...hahaha..
den,drg inda jadi balik kemarin pasal c nins recommend kan main this shooting zombies games..apa kah namanya???but its like uber fun!!!killing is fun,well dalam games dat is....KAMI PRO SUDAH INDA JAAAA~~!!!!i mean headshots are easy~~
we can survive any zombie attacks anytime,anywhere~practice sudah..hahahaha..
inda jadi balik leh nya...from ptg til 4 pagi ahhh...and yang inda branti2 main is me and nins....HAHAAHAHAHAHAHA....
i just felt like saying dat..hahahaha...
den bagun pagi tadi,mula2 felt seriouslyy ngantok,den when c nins cam "mao main lagi???,trus melompat and played sampai ptg lagi..hahaha..gila eyhh..dat game was addictive.....i guess pasal main ramai2 tu kalieeee...
owh well..im done talking..off i gooo~~
ps:bila lagi???hahahaha....sampai larak wah sorang2 ahhh...hahaha...wont say names..u all noe who u r..HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!*julur julur*
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