thank you for not informing ME earlier!...paksa d kol bru kana gto the reason y u LEFT us!!huwaaaaaa!!
had to force apa bad news from her tadi...and we all actually thought that the worst was about her teeth...mana tao kana suruh take another "holiday" for a week or so...anie a HOLIDAY FOREVER!!!!uurrgghhh...
i am hating u right now!
i hate you...coz i love u too much...
just a few hours ago, me, zai, nins and wanie were talking bout u...imagining our lives there in we would be having fun together and gila2 and sleepover and cooking and whatever...
naaahhh..biar ko nanges!hahha...
coz my tears are starting to come out again...uurrggghhh.....
im posting the pictures of US...kame2 yg ko tinggal kan cematu sha!huhuuu..
pictures of us, post crying becoz of u.....
larak bah smua..hahaha...
p aku maintain cuteness..hehehehe...
aku cam ckit g collapse dpan ofis c adi and wani....nanges dpan drg whole ofis...nasib nada musa..hahaha....oppppsss...sowee....din mean to be insensitive....
not that we r d only one SUFFERING...we will SUFFER this and going to go through this together...
just don forget me owhkay!!!
i looovveeee uuu!!!!
and and and...contact2 ahh.....banci ku ko eyh fidah....
KAKA FIDAHHHH...i miss you owedy.....
biar ko tergigit lidah we will talk bout u everydaaaaayyy and post pictures and stuff sal kame shaa...haha.......
labs labs!!
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