Monday, December 28, 2009

vain much~

vain much~

anyway,i like taking pictures with my webcam pasal my camera's dead!sudah tah payah2 orang antar kan memory card kali dead tia.haiissshh.and my hp's cable to the lappy thingamajig is gone,i dunnoe where.*or aku malas cari carefully*hahaha.

soooo i resorted to webcam-whoring tah saja.which is fun,coz the picture above made me look like it's a bit of a cartoon-ish picture,and looked like i had something on my face,macam blusher,but actually i just got out of the shower tuuu..naaahh kedapatan main gambar2 time abis mandi.*berbaju sudah ah GILA!*

so tomorrow kami ke aberdeen.and di perth sudah snow nya really thick i was like WHOA!atu tabal when i woke up this morning.i don not want to imagine how thick the snow is in aberdeen.HAH!i just hope the train's not cancelled or anything.kalau catu boring tuuuuu!!come on!!

that;s the view from my bedroom window.
i was like,what would the owner of the car think when he sees his car drowned in snow.HAHAHA.
thank god i don't own a car here.waaaaaahhh.scareee!

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