Thursday, December 24, 2009


maybe i'm not as adventurous as before.
maybe that's coz im getting older.TUA KU SUDAH.
datang selalu penyakit malas ku anie,that's why my favourite past-time now is sitting at home,doing nothing.


maybe,it's not me at all,maybe it's the's like ssoooo cold,i know last year it's as cold,but now im affected by the coldness easily.
i have this terrible chesty cough that it feels like my whole throat is trying to come out.SAKIT!

and it's so sad,coz it's snowing prettily outside,but here i am stuck at home,being sick and weak.
i nearly passed out in front of the house yesterday night when i got back from head was spinning and my legs gave up on me,but thank god,si meerul was with me,or else i would have just AMPAI2 di tangga atu.HAHAHAAHA.

yes,that's the story of my life.

anyway,i got back from london yesterday,yesterday.and i loved every minute of it.wait,it's kind of a bitter sweet feeling coz i hate the polluted air and the water tastes like shit!not shit shit,just crappy!
but it's good to have met great people along the way.rindu rasanya riuh malam2,i feel lonely benny and si jar saja sama ku cakap.*doi ma si ayu minta kesian.kihkih*

pictures up in facebook but none from my camera since my camera's being its effed up self.all distorted and such.entah lah kenapa.

bah goodnight my dears.i need to start revising or else....................................................................

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