Thursday, December 31, 2009


hahahaha..that's my face really whenever i say "i miss you" to you.
why do i always make that face?macam tah the person im saying those words to can see my face.messages and calls jua ngannya.HAHAHAHA.
maybe i thought it'll have an even more effect when saying with a pouty face.maybe even more satisfactory.

ANYYHHHOOOOOOOOO....less than two days till new year.
and and and and i'm not spending/celebrating it this year,thanks to the awesome amount of revision i have!
lagipun takde mood lah nak spend new year,let's just say any other minute,hour or day is exactly the same to difference at all.
what had happened,happened.if i wanna make a resolution,i can make one now!and stick with it,i don't have to wait for a NEW i??
anyway,if i do make one,one resolution,i'll never stick to it at all,and things in the near future will either distract me,or influence me to not follow my aim for the year.

okay ayu,let's just stick to the real reason.
NO POINT!!i'm not saying that 2009 was a bad year,eventhough i say i'm a person who sees a glass half full,but who am i joking,i don't ,for me the glass is EMPTY,eventhough it's full in front of me,i still say it's frigging empty!
come on!if everyone was soo positive life would be dull!BOH-REEENNGGG!
i sound like a bitter person,but im not.

2009 has been a year.
just a year.just the previous year,2008,2007,2006.
and next will be 2010.

the only thing is i have to remember to change the year at the end of the dates i write on papers,etc.
and i think 2010 will be a year i start writing 21/09/2010 whenever im asked about my DOB like every other year.21/09/2009 in 20009.HAHAHAHA.i always make that silly mistake!



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