Tuesday, December 8, 2009


ive been told i THINK TOO MUCH!

well,i'll take that as a good thing since thinking IS a good thing for the brain,right?!RIGHT!

that's my project for tonight.
it's a self centring thing for the shock absorber IF im not mistaken.malas mao check.hehe.

i think i did good,well,it looks like it's working as the way it should work.and it took me HOURS to make that,and im proud of it.hehe.
*eventhoug i can't cut straight and glueing stuff makes me go AAARRGGHH!*

the above project really made me think of days back when PROJECTS were the staple food for students.and for a year and a half i haven't a taste of that,and i miss it,i do.in a half good way.haha.

on a totally different note,i feel like spending some moneeyyyh!
first stop,superdrug.since there's this 3 for 2 on ALL makeup stuff,and since a week from now..WINTER HOLS,i need some makeup to make me EXTRA PRETTEH!
emphasise on the extra,since im ALREADY pretteh,i just need to tweek ME a bit more.hehehehe.*tampar*

my wishlist for december includes:
more bags
more clothes
more shoes
more jewelleries
more belts
more makeup
and a straightener.

yes.just one straightener. one MORE,that is. ;)))

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