Friday, January 8, 2010

contradictions anyone??

i cannot sleep!my eyes hurt when i try to close them lama2.
i mean it's good that i can't sleep so that i can revise for tomorrow,my brain works better in the early mornings.

HOWEVER,my brain tonight is resenting everything i try to put into it.
so here i am,with my eyes wide open,waiting and waiting.
entah apakah aku wait.

my head feels like it's been tumbled in the washing machine.

OK..STOP ALREADYYY!!aku mao tidur tapi inda mao tidur pasal aku mao belajar tapi utakku inda mao belajar iya mau tidur and mata ku pun inda mao tutup. *pouting*
my eyes are contradicting with my together now guys.exam's tomorrow and we need to be bright and clear and fresh in the morning.

maybe coz i watched this video after i woke up from my nap.yes,my nap was from 11pm til 2am.i call that a nap.HAHAHA.
soo the video was super duper sad and reminds me of atok.i cried obviouslyy,but i just don't know why i cried my eyes out.the situation was not the same.maybe the grandfather in the video reminds me of my grandfather.

i hate being so far away from home at times like this.i wish i could catch a plane and hug everyone!!saying i love them so much before it's too late for any of us.coz regret is an ugly thing and it haunts me to the core!
aku mao hug atok and tell him i'm gonna make him proud and never to disappoint him.and thank him for all the things he'd done for us.and appreciating all the love he gave me.

ok.......that was not supposed to be part of the post of the day.but since ive subconciously typed all my thoughts out.why not.

good early morning people.I DO love each and everyone of you.

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