Monday, November 23, 2009

just feeling a wee bit down right now,but i'll survive.i always have,and this time it's not any different.

a million things are running through my head,and what happened today did not make it any's hard for me to smile coz whenever i turn my frown upside down i get teary you know the feeling when you think like the water is half full,but the water is not can't drink that half full water,but instead all you have left to do is throw that half full water down the sink.


went to asda and rode on the cutest old fashioned bus ever!like aku sakai!i took pictures but all of them are shitty.huh!the inside of the bus,but we didn't take any from outside pasal bus atu berjalan sudah.went to asda and found loads of cheap stuff that i need!like a vidal sasoon straightener for merely 7pounds!gila kali!!like i coouldn't believe my eyes!i wanted to grab one like grab one without thinking but,i did pause to think!i thought of food!hahaha.nins was like,"apa lagi ko kan liat di asda?" and i repeatedly said FOOD!

(i need to get back to asda to get that straightener!PRONTOOO!)

yes,i was THAT hungry.i had little breakfast and no lunch at all!and terus went iceskating.and i love iceskating.i used to hate it for some reason last time,but now my love is back!*apakan.

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