Sunday, August 23, 2009

1st day of puasa..

in a few more minutes kami will buka puasa!yipee!and i haven't even started cooking yet,p inda apa since ive cut everything sudah.
i didn't do much today,woke up late cause slept at 5am watching movies with wanie and nins,though nins slept a little bit earlier than the rest of us. so yes,from the "tidur akhir" i have a slight headache.terok!my head feels uber heavy macam kan tanggal saja from my head,but other than that same old same old.

wacthed anime for hours!and hours!and hours!hahahaha
and watched a bit of the football match.

and i still can't remember my ramdhan from last year.AT ALL!!except for the buffet during lunch..gagagagaga.and the rest BLUR brabis. so i hope i'll have a more memorable puasa this month. kenapa aku inda ingat langsung tu ah??maybe i have erased some part of that memory from my brain.LANGSUNG!YANG BENAAAARR~

anyhoo off i go masak-ing..inda makan kami dua karang.hahahahaha.


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