Saturday, April 30, 2011



i had a nice sleep last night,eventhough there was a damn blackout.that made me go bed early AND miss the Royal Wedding! YEAH,i was pissed off!!

i was not only pissed off,i was HUNGRY!!which made me even more angrier,pasal the bloody microwave DOES NOT WORK WITH NOOOO ELECTRICITY KAAAN!!
jadinyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,i had to eat some watermelon for my dinner!! yeah yeah yeah,i know i wanted to go on a diet and the blackout madfe it happen! HAHAHAHAHAHA. *ketawa sambil nangis*

ANNNND this morning, woke up, NO PARENTS equals to NO BREAKFAST!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

hey again

its been awhile.

YUP.that's the understatement of the year. coz it has been two,three,four whiles.

i'm quite sorry,dear blog for abandoning you for quite sometime.
i've had not the time to write plus the internet connection here kinda suck.ANNNNND that's another understatement of the year.

maybe i'll start to become a more avid blogger,or this is just another random post on a boring Wednesday night.i really hope it won't be the latter.

in summary,life has been a slow start since i came has been quite a routine,not that i am ever complaining :P

OHH YEAH.i have changed.PHYSICALLY!!
thanks to the ever available and ever tempting food. SASAKKU NYAMU!!
cannot resist waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. and ive realised all my pictures are about food. so,i think it would be a snore for people to look at them. but i think ive decided to post some of them nice food pictures once in a while,or two  or three.hahaha.

i'm off.